Hunt Consolidated, Inc.
Isabel Casas is Program Director for Hunt Consolidated Inc. in this role she is responsible for the implementation of Hunt Global Partnerships initiatives, Hunt's community engagement program that creates partnerships with local residents, not-for-profit entities and local governments, to produce sustainable projects that enhance the quality of life of the residents and communities where Hunt operates.
She is also responsible for the management and coordination of the staff coordinating community projects and sustainable interventions in the areas of influence for Hunt Oil Company and its affiliates around the globe. Casas began working for Hunt in March 2008 for the implementation of social sustainable initiatives for PERU LNG project as social investment coordinator. In 2013 she was promoted to social investment manager and later was Hunt Global Partnerships Director in Peru. She previously worked in Graña & Montero Corporation in the preparation of feasibility studies for mining clients' sanitation infrastructure projects to benefit the local population. Casas also worked for CARE Peru, in the design of projects for local economic development, and in the United Nations Office for Project Services. in Peru in the preparation of feasibility studies of infrastructure projects
She graduated as an Economics Engineer at the National University of Engineering in Lima. She earned a master's degree in Environmental Management at The University of Queensland in Australia, an MBA at the University of Piura and a postgraduate diploma in Projects and Investment Decisions at ESAN University in Peru.