Welcome to the Hunt Global Partnerships website, where you will find information regarding every aspect of our organization—what we do and where we operate; our mission, core values and leadership; as well as current project information. You can also read about Hunt's other operations throughout the world and our commitment to both the environment and the communities in which we operate.
During its 80-plus years of existence, Hunt Oil Company has been active in many parts of the world. Hunt Oil Company seeks to implement social and philanthropic programs to help meet the needs of the people and the communities that its projects touch. Early in the 21st century, the company determined that the needs of our neighbors warranted a comprehensive new model for corporate social responsibility that could be implemented anywhere our work takes us around the world.
The new social responsibility model that the Hunt organization created was named Hunt Global Partnerships, and the basic philosophy that serves as the foundation of its activities is to bring together local communities, government entities, non-governmental organizations and Hunt Global Partnerships to provide critical services needed for individuals and their families living in our project's area of influence.
We encourage you to browse our website and learn more about what we do. You'll find that we are in many ways unique, with philosophies that combine old-fashioned principles with modern thinking and technology. It is this varied mix of virtue and ingenuity that will enable us to continue to produce long-term sustainable social programs for the communities impacted by our operations worldwide.
Hon. Jeanne L. Phillips
Hunt Global Partnerships
Hunt Global Partnerships has access to the people, operations and business support provided by Hunt Consolidated, Inc.